Hwang, J.-G.; Albrecht, K.; Hoehl, A.; Alberdi Esuain, B.; Kamps, T.: Monitoring the size of low-intensity beams at plasma-wakefield accelerators using high-resolution interferometry. Communications Physics 4 (2021), p. 214/1-8
Open Access Version

Plasma-based accelerators are on the brink of a development stage, where applications of the beam for medical sciences, imaging, or as an injector for a future large-scale accelerator-driven light source become feasible. The requirements on electron beams for injection into a storage-ring are stringent regarding beam quality and reliability. Here, we propose a beam diagnostic technique for measuring lateral beam sizes with a few μm resolution by applying a state-of-art single-photon camera to coherent synchrotron radiation that affords by a sub-femtosecond short bunch-length property. A sophisticated image processing algorithm enables the technique down to 5 photons/pixel for the visibility of 0.132. Results show the potential of the proposed system that achieves precise retrieval of the complex degree of coherence at an extremely low photon intensity similar to those expected towards the plasma-acceleration injectors.