• Pérez Tamarit, S.; Solórzano, E.; Hilger, A.; Manke, I.; Rodríguez-Pérez, M.A.: Effect of solid phase corrugation on the thermo-mechanical properties of low density flexible cellular polymers. Materials & Design 161 (2019), p. 106-113

Open Accesn Version

This manuscript presents the effect of the solid phase corrugation of low density flexible cellular polymers on both their mechanical and thermal properties. First, a detailed quantification of solid phase corrugation has been carried out by means of high resolution synchrotron micro-tomography in a collection of polyethylene foams. Subsequently, the collapse stress in compression has been analysed both from the theoretical and experimental points of view achieving a clear relation between the solid phase corrugation and the ratio of theoretically calculated and experimentally measured collapse stress. Finally, solid phase corrugation has been correlated with the thermal expansion coefficient at room temperature.