Visitenkarte Prof. Dr. Tobias Lau
- Abteilungsleiter
- Abteilung Hochempfindliche Röntgenspektroskopie
also at: Physikalisches Institut, Universität Freiburg
selected publications
Ablyasova, O.S.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Flach, M.; da Silva Santos, M.; Lau, J.T.; Hirsch, K.: Direct spectroscopic evidence for the high-spin state of dioxidomanganese(v). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26 (2024), p. 5830-5835
da Silva Santos, M.; Medel, R.; Kruse, S.; Flach, M.; Ablyasova, O.S.; Timm, M.; von Issendorff, B.; Hirsch, K.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Riedel, S.; Lau, J. T.: Direct Spectroscopic Confirmation of the Oxygen-Centered Diradical Character of the Tetraoxidorhenium(VII) Cation [Re(O)4]+. Chemistry Methods 4 (2024), p. e202400023/1-8
Flach, M.; Hirsch, K.; Gitzinger, T.; Timm, M.; da Silva Santos, M.; Ablyasova, O.S.; Kubin, M.; von Issendorff, B.; Lau, J.T.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.: Abrupt Change from Ionic to Covalent Bonding in Nickel Halides Accompanied by Ligand Field Inversion. Inorganic Chemistry 63 (2024), p. 11812-11820
Ablyasova, O.S.; Guo, M.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Kubin, M.; Gitzinger, T.; da Silva Santos, M.; Flach, M.; Timm, M.; Lundberg, M.; Lau, J.T.; Hirsch, K.: Electronic Structure of the Complete Series of Gas-Phase Manganese Acetylacetonates by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 127 (2023), p. 7121-7131
da Silva Santos, M.; Medel, R.; Flach, M.; Ablyasova, O.S.; Timm, M.; von Issendorff, B.; Hirsch, K.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Riedel, S.; Lau, J.T.: Exposing the Oxygen-Centered Radical Character of the Tetraoxido Ruthenium(VIII) Cation [RuO4]+. ChemPhysChem 24 (2023), p. e202300390/1-7
Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Hirsch, K.; Ma, L.; de Knifj, K.; Xu, X.; Lawicki, A.; Terasaki, A.; Ferrari, P.; v. Issendorff, B.; Lievens, P.; de Heer, W.A.; Lau, J.T.; Janssens, E.: Magnetic nanodoping: Atomic control of spin states in cobalt doped silver clusters. Physical Review Research 5 (2023), p. 033103/1-10
da Silva Santos, M.; Stüker, T.; Flach, M.; Ablyasova, O.S.; Timm, M.; von Issendorff, B.; Hirsch, K.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Riedel, S.; Lau, J.T.: The Highest Oxidation State of Rhodium: Rhodium(VII) in [RhO3]+. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 61 (2022), p. e202207688/1-5
Delcey, M.G.; Lindblad, R.; Timm, M.; Bülow, C.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; von Issendorff, B.; Lau, J. T.; Lundberg, M.: Soft X-ray signatures of cationic manganese-oxo systems, including a high-spin manganese(v) complex. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2022), p. 3598-3610
Flach, M.; Hirsch, K.; Timm, M.; Ablyasova, O.S.; da Silva Santos, M.; Kubin, M.; Bülow, C.; Gitzinger, T.; Issendorff, B. von; Lau, J. T.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.: Iron L-3-edge energy shifts for the full range of possible 3d occupations within the same oxidation state of iron halides. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2022), p. 19890-19894
Lindblad, R.; Kjellsson, L.; De Santis, E.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Von Issendorff, B.; Sorensen, S.L.; Lau, J.T.; Hua, W.; Carravetta, V.; Rubensson, J.E.; Ågren, H.; Couto, R.C.: Experimental and theoretical near-edge x-ray-absorption fine-structure studies of NO+. Physical Review A 106 (2022), p. 042814/1-8
Schmitt, M.; Maylaender, M.; Heizmann, T.; Richert, S.; Buelow, C.; Hirsch, K.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Lau, J. T.; Krossing, I.: Isolation and Characterization of the Homoleptic Nickel(I) and Nickel(II) Bis-benzene Sandwich Cations. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 61 (2022), p. e202211555/1-5
Tombers, M.; Meyer, J.; Meyer, J.; Lawicki, A.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Hirsch, K.; Lau, J.T.; von Issendorff, B.; Terasaki, A.; Schlathölter, T.A.; Hoekstra, R.A.; Schmidt, S.; Powell, A.K.; Kessler, E.; Prosenc, M.H.; van Wüllen, C.; Niedner-Schatteburg, G.: Mn-12-Acetate Complexes Studied as Single Molecules. Chemistry - A European Journal 28 (2022), p. e202102592/1-7
Couto, R.C.; Hua, W.; Lindblad, R.; Kjellsson, L.; Sorensen, S.L.; Kubin, M.; Bulow, C.; Timm, M.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; von Issendorff, B.; Soderstrom, J.; Lau, J. T.; Rubensson, J.-E.; Agren, H.; Carravetta, V.: Breaking inversion symmetry by protonation: experimental and theoretical NEXAFS study of the diazynium ion, N2H+. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (2021), p. 17166-17176
Couto, R.C.; Kjellsson, L.; Ågren, H.; Carravetta, V.; Sorensen, S.L.; Kubin, M.; Bülow, C.; Timm, M.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Von Issendorff, B.; Lau, J.T.; Söderström, J.; Rubensson, J.E.; Lindblad, R.: The carbon and oxygen K-edge NEXAFS spectra of CO+. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (2020), p. 16215-16223
Lindblad, R.; Kjellsson, L.; Couto, R.C.; Timm, M.; Bülow, C.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Lundberg, M.; Von Issendorff, B.; Lau, J.T.; Sorensen, S.L.; Carravetta, V.; Ågren, H.; Rubensson, J.E.: X-Ray Absorption Spectrum of the N+2 Molecular Ion. Physical Review Letters 124 (2020), p. 203001/1-7
Walter, M.; Vogel, M.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Lindblad, R.; Reichenbach, T.; Hirsch, K.; Langenberg, A.; Rittmann, J.; Kulesza, A.; Mitric, R.; Moseler, M.; Möller, T.; Issendorff, B. von; Lau, J.T.: Experimental and theoretical 2p core-level spectra of size-selected gas-phase aluminum and silicon cluster cations: chemical shifts, geometric structure, and coordination-dependent screening. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (2019), p. 6651-6661
Meier, S.C.; Holz, A.; Kulenkampff, J.; Schmidt, A.; Kratzert, D.; Himmel, D.; Schmitz, D.; Scheidt, E.; Scherer, W.; Bülow, C.; Timm, M.; Lindblad, R.; Akin, S.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; von Issendorff, B.; Duncan, M.; Lau, J.T.; Krossing, I.: Access to the Bis-benzene Cobalt(I) Sandwich Cation and its Derivatives: Synthons for a "Naked" Cobalt(I) Source? Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 57 (2018), p. 9310-9314
Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Hirsch, K.; Langenberg, A.; Lawicki, A.; Terasaki, A.; von Issendorff, B.; Lau, T.: Large orbital magnetic moments of small, free cobalt cluster ions Co+n with n ≤ 9. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (2018), p. 464002/1-10
Akin, S.T.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Duanmu, K.; Leistner, G.; Hirsch, K.; Bülow, C.; Lawicki, A.; Terasaki, A.; von Issendorff, B.; Truhlar, D.G.; Lau, J.T.; Duncan, M.A.: Size-Dependent Ligand Quenching of Ferromagnetism in Co3(benzene)n+ Clusters Studied with X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (2016), p. 4568-4575
Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Lindblad, R.; Bülow, C.; Leistner, G.; Terasaki, A.; von Issendorff, B.; Lau, J. T.: Electronic ground state of Ni2+. The Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (2016), p. 194392/1-7
Hirsch, K.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Langenberg, A.; Niemeyer, M.; Langbehn, B.; Möller, T.; Terasaki, A.; von Issendorff, B.; Lau, J. T.: Magnetic Moments of Chromium-Doped Gold Clusters: The Anderson Impurity Model in Finite Systems. Physical Review Letters 114 (2015), p. 087202/1-6
Hirsch, K.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Langenberg, A.; Vogel, M.; Rittmann, J.; Forin, S.; Möller, T.; von Issendorff, B.; Lau, J.T.: Impurity Electron Localization in Early-Transition-Metal-Doped Gold Clusters. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015), p. 11184-11192
Kasigkeit, C.; Hirsch, K.; Langenberg, A.; Möller, T.; Probst, J.; Rittmann, J.; Vogel, M.; Wittich, J.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; von Issendorff, B.; Lau, J.T.: Higher Ionization Energies from Sequential Vacuum Ultraviolet Multiphoton Ionization of Size-Selected Silicon Cluster Cations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015), p. 11148-11152
Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Hirsch, K.; Langenberg, A.; Kossick, M.; Ławicki, A.; Terasaki, A.; v. Issendorff, B.; Lau, J.T.: Direct observation of high-spin states in manganese dimer and trimer cations by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy in an ion trap. The Journal of Chemical Physics 142 (2015), p. 234301/1-6
Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Hirsch, K.; Langenberg, A.; Lawicki, A.; Terasaki, A.; von Issendorff, B.; Lau, J.T.: Electronic ground states of Fe2+ and Co2+ as determined by x-ray absorption and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 143 (2015), p. 244318/1-6
Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Hirsch, K.; Langenberg, A.; Niemeyer, M.; Vogel, M.; Lawicki, A.; Terasaki, A.; Lau, J.T.; Von Issendorff, B.: Maximum Spin Polarization in Chromium Dimer Cations as Demonstrated by X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 54 (2015), p. 4498-4501
Langenberg, A.; Hirsch, K.; Lawicki, A.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Niemeyer, M.; Chmiela, P.; Langbehn, B.; Terasaki, A.; von Issendorff, B.; Lau, J.T.: Spin and orbital magnetic moments of size-selected iron, cobalt, and nickel clusters. Physical Review B 90 (2014), p. 184420/1-14
Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Leppert, L.; Hirsch, K.; Langenberg, A.; Rittmann, J.; Kossick, M.; Vogel, M.; Richter, R.; Terasaki, A.; Möller, T.; Issendorff, B. v.; Kümmel, S.; Lau, J.T.: Coordination-driven magnetic-to-nonmagnetic transition in manganese-doped silicon clusters. Physical Review B 88 (2013), p. 115425/1-6
Hirsch, K.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Rittmann, J.; Langenberg, A.; Vogel, M.; Möller, T.; v. Issendorff, B.; Lau, J.T.: Initial- and final-state effects on screening and branching ratio in 2p x-ray absorption of size-selected free 3d transition metal clusters. Physical Review B 86 (2012), p. 165402/1-11
Niemeyer, M.; Hirsch, K.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Langenberg, A.; Vogel, M.; Kossick, M.; Ebrecht, C.; Egashira, K.; Terasaki, A.; Möller, T.; von Issendorff, B.; Lau, J.T.: Spin Coupling and Orbital Angular Momentum Quenching in Free Iron Clusters. Physical Review Letters 108 (2012), p. 057201/1-5
Vogel, M.; Kasigkeit, C.; Hirsch, K.; Langenberg, A.; Rittmann, J.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Kulesza, A.; Mitric, R.; Möller, T.; v. Issendorff, B.; Lau, J.T.: 2p core-level binding energies of size-selected free silicon clusters: Chemical shifts and cluster structure. Physical Review B 85 (2012), p. 195454/1-5
Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Ameseder, F.; Langenberg, A.; Rittmann, J.; Vogel, M.; Möller, T.; v. Issendorff, B.; Lau, J.T.: 2p x-ray absorption of free transition-metal cations across the 3d transition elements: Calcium through copper. Physical Review A 85 (2012), p. 062501/1-9
Lau, J.T.; Vogel, M.; Langenberg, A.; Hirsch, K.; Rittmann, J.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Möller, T.; von Issendorff, B.: Communication: Highest occupied molecular orbital-lowest unoccupied molecular orbital gaps of doped silicon clusters from core level spectroscopy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 134 (2011), p. 041102/1-3
Hirsch, K.; Lau, J.T.; Klar, P.; Langenberg, A.; Probst, J.; Rittmann, J.; Vogel, M.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Möller, T.; von Issendorff, B.: X-ray spectroscopy on size-selected clusters in an ion trap: from the molecular limit to bulk properties. Journal of Physics B 42 (2009), p. 154029/1-7
Lau, J.T.; Hirsch, K.; Klar, P.; Langenberg, A.; Lofink, F.; Richter, R.; Rittmann, J.; Vogel, M.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Möller, T.; v. Issendorff, B.: X-ray spectroscopy reveals high symmetry and electronic shell structure of transition-metal-doped silicon clusters. Physical Review A 79 (2009), p. 053201/1-5
Lau, J.T; Hirsch, K.; Langenberg, A.; Probst, J.; Richter, R.; Rittmann, J.; Vogel, M.; Zamudio-Bayer, V.; Möller, T.; von Issendorff, B.: Localized high spin states in transition-metal dimers: X-ray absorption spectroscopy study. Physical Review B 79 (2009), p. 241102/1-4