Business card Dr. Michael Tovar
1990-1995: Study of Mineralogy at University of Heidelberg. Exam as Diplom-Mineraloge
1995 bis 2000 PhD student and scientif coworker at Mineralogisches Institut, University of Heidelberg. Responsible for X-ray lab of the crystallography group. Giving lectures and seminars. Thesis: "Thermal behaviour of CuOn polyhedra in selected compounds."
2000: Scientific coworker at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (formerly Hahn-Meitner-Institut). Responsible for neutron powder diffraktometer E9
2004-2014: Establishing and running the HZB school lab for classes from ground school to secondary school within the school lab team.
2013: Responsibility for FALCON, a neutron Laue-Diffractometer
2015-2021: Establishing and running the X-ray CoreLab: User lab for X-ray diffraction.
X-ray diffractometer for crystal structure and thin film (phases, structure, texture, epitaxy), temperature depending measurements, maintenance, data bases, software-support
X-ray diffraction and crystal structure analysis, solid state chemistry, science for public ("Lange Nacht", open-door-day, Girls' Day...)
Private interests: Music (Piano and singing)