Publications 2023
Mattern, M.; Pudell, J.E.; Dumesnil, K.; von Reppert, A.; Bargheer, M.:
Towards shaping picosecond strain pulses via magnetostrictive transducers. Photoacoustics 30 (2023), p. 100463/1-7
doi: 10.1016/j.pacs.2023.100463
Open Access
Mattern, M.; von Reppert, A.; Zeuschner, S.P.; Herzog, M.; Pudell, J.E.; Bargheer, M.:
Concepts and use cases for picosecond ultrasonics with x-rays. Photoacoustics 31 (2023), p. 100503/1-22
doi: 10.1016/j.pacs.2023.100503
Open Access
Rongione, E.; Gueckstock, O.; Mattern, M.; Gomonay, O.; Meer, H.; Schmitt, C.; Ramos, R.; Kikkawa, T.; Micica, M.; Saitoh, E.; Sinova, J.; Jaffrès, H.; Mangeney, J.; Goennenwein, S.T.B.; Geprägs, S.; Kampfrath, T.; Kläui, M.; Bargheer, M.; Seifert, T.S.; Dhillon, S.; Lebrun, R.:
Emission of coherent THz magnons in an antiferromagnetic insulator triggered by ultrafast spin-phonon interactions. Nature Communications 14 (2023), p. 1818/1-8
doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37509-6
Data-doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7711870
Open Access
Stete, F.; Bargheer, M.; Koopman, W.:
Ultrafast dynamics in plasmon-exciton core-shell systems: the role of heat. Nanoscale 15 (2023), p. 16307-16313
doi: 10.1039/d3nr02817h
Stete, F.; Koopman, W.; Henkel, C.; Benson, O.; Kewes, G.; Bargheer, M.:
Optical Spectra of Plasmon-Exciton Core-Shell Nanoparticles: A Heuristic Quantum Approach. ACS Photonics 10 (2023), p. 2511-2520
doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c01975