Sixth Joint BER II and BESSY II User Meeting
The annual Joint HZB User Meetings will provide an overview of the many exciting and inspiring research results obtained at our facilities in the past year. The Sixth Joint BER II and BESSY II User Meeting will take place at Berlin-Adlershof from December 3rd to December 5th, 2014. The neutrons session will take place at Berlin-Wannsee on Wednesday, 3rd December, followed by Dinner at Café Jahn.
On Thursday morning, at WISTA, Bunsen Auditorium, Adlershof, Christof Wöll, KIT, will ask in his keynote lecture “What Supramolecular Chemistry can do for Solid State Physics?” The meeting continues with plenary talks, discussions, and a poster session, which will provide vast possibilities of information and discussion. In his public lecture, Christoph Lienau, University Oldenburg, will give an overview on “Solar cells and artificial light harvesting systems”.
Traditional highlights are the bestowals of the Prizes for Young Scientists donated by the “Freundeskreis Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin e. V. “
After hours of inspiring scientific presentations we hope to meet you Thursday evening at the Berliner Buffet. The buffet is sponsored by the companies participating in the accompanying vendor exhibition. As well as this generous gesture the exhibitors will be happy to have the opportunity to inform you on the latest developments in all fields of research equipment.
Download User Meeting Booklet