Berlin Joint EPR lab organises the 7th Summer School of the European Federation of EPR Groups with 120 participants from 26 countries

A week long training gave the participants of the summer school a good overview about EPR methods.

A week long training gave the participants of the summer school a good overview about EPR methods. © HZB

100 students and 20 lecturers from all around the world came to Berlin for a week at the end of August to take part in the biggest and most traditional educational event in the field of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The Summer School was organised, with the support of the HZB, by the groups of the Berlin Joint EPR labs (BeJEL) of HZB and Freie Universität Berlin.

Feedback of the participants:

“It was truly a wonderful experience for me. Coming from a biology-focused background, it was really a unique  experience for me to interact with physicists, and hear how full-time EPR labs think about the technique and pushing it forward. From these discussions I learned many things that are immediately helpful to me in my research. Because the lectures were so comprehensive, I was also able to also identify areas where I can learn more, and was given excellent resources for further study of EPR.”

“Thank you again for a very interesting and motivating summer school. I am sure that we all benefitted a lot from lectures, discussions and in particular from networking both with the professors but also with our fellow young researchers. I can see that a lot of people are connecting via facebook these days :-)”

“I would like to thank you and your team for the organization of the 7th EPR summer school. Everything was perfect. I learned a lot about different applications of EPR and I have met wonderful people thanks to you.”

“Thanks again for arranging such an excellent summer school! It’s definitely been a highlight of the summer and highly beneficial!”

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