Helmholtz International Fellow Award for Nils Mårtensson

Nils Mårtensson, University of Uppsala, cooperates closely with HZB.

Nils Mårtensson, University of Uppsala, cooperates closely with HZB.

The Helmholtz Association has presented the Swedish physicist Nils Mårtensson with a Helmholtz International Fellow Award.  The synchrotron expert of the University of Uppsala, who heads the nobel comitee for physics, cooperates closely with the HZB-Institute Methods and Instrumentation for Synchrotron Radiation Research.

Nils Mårtensson is a professor at Uppsala University. He directed the development of the Swedish synchrotron radiation source Max IV and received a grant from the European Research Council (ERC) in 2013. Mårtensson is a member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences and chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics. At HZB, he cooperates with Alexander Föhlisch's team at HZB-Institute Methods and Instrumentation for Synchrotron Radiation Research. Together they run the Uppsala Berlin Joint Laboratory (UBjL) to further develop methods and instruments.

In 2018, the Helmholtz Association presented a Helmholtz International Fellow Award to five outstanding international scientists in this call for proposals. All of them have already worked closely with Helmholtz Centres and presented concrete plans to continue the cooperation. "We hope that they will also be ambassadors for further cooperation between their institutions and the Helmholtz Association," says Otmar D. Wiestler, President of the Helmholtz Association.



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