• Sinha, R.; Friedrich, D.; Zafeiropoulos, G.; Zoethout, E.; Parente, M.; van de Sanden, M. C. M.; Bieberle-Hutter, A.: Charge carrier dynamics and photocatalytic activity of {111} and {100} faceted Ag3PO4 particles. The Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (2020), p. 244710

Open Access Version

Silver orthophosphate is a highly promising visible light photocatalyst with high quantum yield for solar driven water oxidation. Recently, the performance of this material has been further enhanced using facet-controlled synthesis. The tetrahedral particles with {111} exposed facets demonstrate higher photocatalytic performance than the cubic particles with {100} exposed facets. However, the reason behind this large difference in photocatalytic performance is still not understood. In this work, we study the free charge carrier dynamics, such as mobility, lifetime, and diffusion lengths, for the {111}-faceted tetrahedral and the {100}-faceted cubic particles using time-resolved microwave conductivity measurements. An order of magnitude higher charge carrier mobility and diffusion length are found for the tetrahedral particles as compared to the cubic particles. The differences in crystal structure, surface composition, and optical properties are investigated in order to understand how these properties impact the charge carrier dynamics and the photocatalytic performance of differently faceted particles.