Bhat Kademane, A.; Quintero-Castro, D.L.; Siemensmeyer, K.; Salazar-Mejia, C.; Gorbunov, D.; Stewart, J.R.; Luetkens, H.; Baines, C.; Li, H.: Crystal field effects in the zig-zag chain compound SrTm2O4. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 551 (2022), p. 169020/1-7
Open Access Version
The single ion properties of the zig-zag chain compound SrTm2O4 have been investigated using heat capacity, magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, inelastic neutron scattering, and polarized muon spectroscopy. Two crystal field models are employed to estimate the single ion properties; a Density Function Theory based model and an effective charge model based on the Hutchings point charge model. The latter describes our experimental results well. This model estimates an easy-axis anisotropy for one of the Tm3+ sites and an easyplane anisotropy for the second site. It also predicts a mixed ground state with dominating 𝐽 = 0 characteristics for both sites. Additionally, muon spin rotation/relaxation (𝜇+SR) spectra reveal oscillations, typically a sign of long-range magnetic order. However, the temperature dependence of the precession frequency and the relaxation rates indicate that the system is in an extended critical regime and the observed relaxation is actually dynamic.