Publications 2017
Abou-Ras, D.; Wagner, S.; Stanbery, B.J.; Schock, H.-W.; Scheer, R.; Stolt, L.; Siebentritt, S.; Lincot, D.; Eberspacher, C.; Kushiya, K.; Tiwari, A.N.:
Innovation highway: Breakthrough milestones & key developments in chalcopyrite photovoltaics from a retrospective viewpoint. Thin Solid Films 633 (2017), p. 2-12
doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2017.01.005
Open Access
Ahn, J.; He, E.; Chen, L.; Wimpory, R.C.; Dear, J.P.; Davies, C.M.:
Prediction and measurement of residual stresses and distortions in fibre laser welded Ti-6Al-4V considering phase transformation. Materials & Design 115 (2017), p. 441–457
doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2016.11.078
Open Access (external provider)
Bäcker, J.-P.; Schmidt, S.S.; Rodriguez-Álvarez, H.; Wolf, C.; Kaufmann, C.A.; Hartig, M.; Mainz, R.; Schlatmann, R.:
Lateral phase separation in Cu-In-Ga precursor and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorber thin films. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 162 (2017), p. 120–126
doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2016.12.034
Bartosik, M.; Holec, D.; Apel, D.; Klaus, M.; Genzel, Ch.; Keckes, J.; Arndt, M.; Polcik, P.; Koller, C.M.; Mayrhofer, P.H.:
Thermal expansionof Ti-Al-N and Cr-Al-N coatings. Scripta Materialia 127 (2017), p. 182-185
doi: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.09.022
Biberger, J.; Füßer, H.-J.; Klaus, M.; Genzel, C.:
Near-Surface and Depth-Dependent Residual Stress Evolution in a Piston Ring Hard Chrome Coating Induced by Sliding Wear and Friction. Wear 376-377 (2017), p. 1502-1521
doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2017.01.056
Dabah, E.; Pfretzschner, B.; Schaupp, T.; Kardjilov, N.; Manke, I.; Boin, M.; Woracek, R.; Griesche, A.:
Time-resolved Bragg-edge neutron radiography for observing martensitic phase transformation from austenitized super martensitic steel. Journal of Materials Science 52 (2017), p. 3490–3496
doi: 10.1007/s10853-016-0642-9
De Biasi, L.; Lieser, G.; Dräger, C.; Indris, S.; Rana, J.; Schumacher, G.; Mönig, R.; Ehrenberg, H.; Binder, J.; Geßwein, H.:
LiCaFeF6: A zero strain cathode material for use in Li ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 362 (2017), p. 192-201
doi: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.07.007
Open Access
Dixneit, J.; Kromm, A.; Boin, M.; Wimpory, R.C.; Kannengiesser, T.; Gibmeier, J.; Schroepfer, D.:
Residual stresses of LTT welds in large-scale components. Welding in the World 61 (2017), p. 1089-1097
doi: 10.1007/s40194-017-0502-5
Fantin, A.; Scherb, T.; Seeger, J.; Schumacher, G.; Gerhards, U.; Ivanova, M.; Meulenberg, W.; Dittmeyer, R.; Banhart, J.:
Relation between composition and vacant oxygen sites in the mixed ionicelectronic conductors La5.4W1-yMyO12-δ (M = Mo, Re; 0≤y≤0.2) and their mother compound La6-xWO12-δ (0.4≤x≤0.8). Solid State Ionics 306 (2017), p. 104-111
doi: 10.1016/j.ssi.2017.04.005
Open Access
Farajian, M.; Hardenacke, V.; Pfeiffer, W.; Klaus, M.; Kornmeier, J.R.:
Numerical and experimental investigations on shot-peened high-strength steel by means of hole drilling, X-ray, synchrotron and neutron diffraction analysis. Materials Testing 59 (2017), p. 161-165
doi: 10.3139/120.110978
Filatova, E.; Egorova, Y.; Galdina, K.; Scherb, T.; Schumacher, G.; Bouwmeester, H.; Baumann, S.:
Effect of Fe content on atomic and electronic structure of complex oxides Sr(Ti,Fe)O3-δ. Solid State Ionics 308 (2017), p. 27-33
doi: 10.1016/j.ssi.2017.05.016
Open Access
Genzel, C.; Klaus, M.:
Residual Stress Analysis by Energy-Dispersive Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction. In: Peter Staron ... [Ed.] : Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science : From Fundamentals to Applications: Second EditionWeinheim: Wiley, 2017. - ISBN 978-3-527-33592-3, p. 161-177
doi: 10.1002/9783527684489.ch9
Heinemann, M.D.; Mainz, R.; Österle, F.; Rodriguez-Alvarez, H.; Greiner, D.; Kaufmann, C.A.; Unold, T.:
Evolution of opto-electronic properties during film formation of complex semiconductors. Scientific Reports 7 (2017), p. 48463/1-9
doi: 10.1038/srep45463
Open Access
Hemmesi, K.; Farajian, M.; Boin, M.:
Numerical studies of welding residual stresses in tubular joints and experimental validations by means of x-ray and neutron diffraction analysis. Materials & Design 126 (2017), p. 339-350
doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2017.03.088
Kapadia, P.; Davies, C.; Pirling, T.; Hofmann, M.; Wimpory, R.; Hosseinzadeh, F.; Dean, D.; Nikbin, K.:
Erratum: Quantification of residual stresses in electron beam welded fracture mechanics specimens. International Journal of Solids and Structures 113 (2017), p. 255
doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2017.03.017
Kapadia, P.; Davies, C.; Pirling, T.; Hofmann, M.; Wimpory, R.; Hosseinzadeh, F.; Dean, D.; Nikbin, K.:
Quantification of Residual Stresses in Electron Beam Welded Fracture Mechanics Specimens. International Journal of Solids and Structures 106-107 (2017), p. 106-118
doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2016.11.028
Open Access (external provider)
Klaus, M.; Genzel, C.:
Nondestructive Separation of Residual Stress and Composition Gradients in Thin Films by Angle- and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction. I. Theoretical Concepts. Journal of Applied Crystallography 50 (2017), p. 252-264
doi: 10.1107/S1600576716020598
Klaus, M.; Genzel, C.:
Residual Stresses in Thin Films and Coated Tools: Challenges and Strategies for Their Nondestructive Analysis by X-ray Diffraction Methods. In: Peter Staron ... [Ed.] : Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science : From Fundamentals to Applications: Second EditionWeinheim: Wiley, 2017. - ISBN 978-3-527-33592-3, p. 439-449
doi: 10.1002/9783527684489.ch24
Klaus, M.; Genzel, C.; García, J.:
Nondestructive Separation of Residual Stress and Composition Gradients in Thin Films by Angle- and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction. II. Experimental Validation. Journal of Applied Crystallography 50 (2017), p. 265-277
doi: 10.1107/S1600576716020604
Kondrakov, A.O.; Gesswein, H.; Galdina, K.; de Biasi, L.; Meded, V.; Filatova, E.O; Schumacher, G.; Wenzel, W.; Hartmann, P.; Brezesinski, T.; Janek, J.:
Charge-Transfer-Induced Lattice Collapse in Ni-Rich NCM Cathode Materials during Delithiation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017), p. 24381-24388
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b06598
Open Access (external provider)
Liehr, A.; Zinn, W.; Degener, S.; Scholtes, B.; Niendorf, T.; Genzel, C.:
Energy resolved residual stress analysis with laboratory X-ray sources = Eigenspannungsanalysen unter Verwendung energieauflösender Detektoren und Laborröntgenquellen. HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials 72 (2017), p. 115-121
doi: 10.3139/105.110316
Open Access (external provider)
Márquez, J.; Stange, H.; Hages, C.; Schaefer, N.; Levcenko, S.; Giraldo, S.; Saucedo, E.; Schwarzburg, K.; Abou-Ras, D.; Redinger, A.; Klaus, M.; Genzel, C.; Unold, T.; Mainz, R.:
Chemistry and dynamics of Ge in kesterite: towards band gap graded absorbers. Chemistry of Materials 29 (2017), p. 9399-9406
doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b03416
Open Access
Mishurova, T.; Cabeza, S.; Artzt, K.; Haubrich, J.; Klaus, M.; Genzel, C.; Requena, G.; Bruno, G.:
An assessment of subsurface residual stresses analysis in SLM Ti-6Al-4V. Materials 10 (2017), p. 348/1-14
doi: 10.3390/ma10040348
Open Access
Niessen, F.; Villa, M.; Apel, D.; Keßler, O.; Reich, M.; Hald, J.; Somers, M.A.J.:
In Situ Techniques for the Investigation of the Kinetics of Austenitization of Supermartensitic Stainless Steel. Materials Science Forum 879 (2017), p. 1381-1386
doi: 10.4028/
Okoro, S.C.; Niessen, F.; Villa, M.; Apel, D.; Montgomery, M.; Frandsen, F.J.; Pantleon, K.:
Complementary Methods for the Characterization of Corrosion
Products on a Plant-Exposed Superheater Tube. Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis 6 (2017), p. 22-35
doi: 10.1007/s13632-016-0325-6
Open Access
Olgar, M.A.; Klaer, J.; Mainz, R.; Ozyuzer, L.; Unold, T.:
Cu2ZnSnS4-based thin films and solar cells by rapid thermal annealing processing. Thin Solid Films 628 (2017), p. 1-6
doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2017.03.008
Open Access (external provider)
Qian, Y.; Niehoff, P.; Zhou, D.; Adam, R.; Mikhailova, D.; Pyschik, M.; Börner, M.; Klöpsch, R.; Rfaja, D.; Schumacher, G.; Ehreneberg, H.; Winter, M.; Schappacher, F.:
Investigation of Nano-Sized Cu(II)O As a High Capacity Conversion Material for Li Metal Cells and Lithium Ion Full Cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 14 (2017), p. 6556-6568
doi: 10.1039/c6ta10944f
Open Access
Schmidt, S.S.; Wolf, C.; Rodriguez-Alvarez, H.; Bäcker, J.-P.; Kaufmann, C.A.; Merdes, S.; Ziem, F.; Hartig, M.; Cinque, S.; Dorbandt, I.; Köble, C.; Abou-Ras, D.; Mainz, R.; Schlatmann, R.:
Adjusting the Ga grading during fast atmospheric processing of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell absorber layers using elemental selenium vapor. Progress in Photovoltaics 25 (2017), p. 341-357
doi: 10.1002/pip.2865
Shokr, M.; Schlosser, D.; Abboud, A.; Algashi, A.; Tosson, A.; Conka, T.; Hartmann, R.; Klaus, M.; Genzel, C.; Strüder, L.; Pietsch, U.:
Applications of a pnCCD detector coupled to columnar structure CsI(Tl) scintillator system in ultra high energy X-ray Laue diffraction. Journal of Instrumentation 12 (2017), p. P12032/1-14
doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/12/12/P12032
Simsek Sanli, E.; Barragan-Yani, D.; Ramasse, Q.M.; Mainz, R.; Abou-Ras, D.; Weber, A.; Kleebe, H.-J.; van Aken, P.; Albe, K.:
Point defect segregation and its role in the detrimental nature of Frank partials in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film absorbers. Physical Review B 95 (2017), p. 195209/1-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.195209
Open Access (external provider)
Simsek Sanli, E.; Ramasse, Q.M.; Mainz, R.; Weber, A.; Abou-Ras, D.; Sigle, W.; Aken, P.A.:
Evidence for Cu2-xSe platelets at grain boundaries and within grains in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films. Applied Physics Letters 111 (2017), p. 032103/1-5
doi: 10.1063/1.4993917
Open Access
Stegemann, R.; Cabeza, S.; Lyamkin, V.; Bruno, G.; Pittner, A.; Wimpory, R.; Boin, M.; Kreutzbruck, M.:
Residual Stress Characterization of Steel TIG Welds by Neutron Diffraction and by Residual Magnetic Stray Field Mappings. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 426 (2017), p. 580-587
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.11.102
Sun, F.; Moroni, R.; Dong, K.; Markötter, H.; Zhou, D.; Hilger, A.; Zielke, L.; Zengerle, R.; Thiele, S.; Banhart, J.; Manke, I.:
Study of the Mechanisms of Internal Short Circuit in a Li/Li Cell by Synchrotron X-ray Phase Contrast Tomography. ACS Energy Letters 2 (2017), p. 94-104
doi: 10.1021/acsenergylett.6b00589
Open Access
Wang, J.; Gao, R.; Zhou, D.; Chen, Z.; Wu, Z.; Schumacher, G.; Hu, Z.; Liu, X.:
Boosting the Electrocatalytic Activity of Co3O4 Nanosheets for a Li-O2 Battery through Modulating Inner Oxygen Vacancy and Exterior Co3+/Co2+ Ratio. ACS Catalysis 7 (2017), p. 6533-6541
doi: 10.1021/acscatal.7b02313
Open Access
Wimpory, R.; Hofmann, M.; Rebelo-Kornmeier, J.; Boin, M.; Ohms, C.:
Minimizing and characterizing uncertainties in neutron strain measurements with special attention to grain size effects. In: Thomas Holden ... [Ed.] : Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation VIII -
8th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation (MECA SENS VIII 2015, September 28 – October 02 , 2015, Grenoble, France)SPIE, 2017 Materials Science Forum ; 925. - ISBN 978-3-03835-635-6, p. 143-150
doi: 10.4028/
Xi, L.; Schwanke, C.; Zhou, D.; Drevon, D.; van de Krol, R.; Lange, K.M.:
In situ XAS study of CoBi modified hematite photoanodes. Dalton Transactions 46 (2017), p. 15719-15726
doi: 10.1039/C7DT02647A
Open Access
Xie, P.; Sun, K.; Wang, Z.; Liu, Yao; Fan, R.; Zhang, Z.; Schumacher, G.:
Negative permittivity adjusted by SiO2-coated metallic particles in percolative composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 725 (2017), p. 1259-1263
doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.04.248
Open Access
Zhou, D.; Jia, H.; Rana, J.; Placke, T.; Scherb, T.; Kloepsch, R.; Schumacher, G.; Winter, M.; Banhart, J.:
Local structural changes of nano-crystalline ZnFe2O4 during lithiation and de-lithiation studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Electrochimica Acta 246 (2017), p. 699-706
doi: 10.1016/j.electacta.2017.06.098
Zhou, D.; Permien, S.; Rana, J.; Krengel, M.; Sun, F.; Schumacher, G.; Bensch, W.; Banhart, J.:
Investigation of Electronic and Local Structural Changes during Lithium Uptake and Release of Nano-crystalline NiFe2O4 by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal of Power Sources 342 (2017), p. 56-63
doi: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.12.038
Open Access