• Quayle, Paul C.; Breternitz, Joachim: A discussion on 'Domain formation and phase transitions in the wurtzite-based heterovalent ternaries : a Landau theory analysis'. Acta Crystallographica Section A 77 (2021), p. 217-221

Open Accesn Version

Heterovalent ternary nitrides are being considered one of the promising classes of materials for photovoltaics, combining attractive physical properties with low toxicity and element abundance. One of the frontrunner systems under consideration is ZnSnN2. Although it being nominally a ternary compound, no clear crystallographic evidence for cation ordering was observed, so far. An attempt to elucidate this discrepancy [Quayle, Acta Cryst. A76, 2020, 76, 410] was the trigger for an intensive discussion between us, and we came to agree that it would be best to elaborate on some points in order to set things in perspective. Rather than using a conventional comment-answer scheme, we agreed to publish this in the form of a joint discussion to celebrate constructive criticism and collegiality.