• Riemann, B.; Neumann, A.; Weis, T.: Alternative Approaches for HOM-Damped Cavities. In: LINAC 2012 , XXVI Linear Accelerator Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, September 9-14,2012, 2012. - ISBN 978-3-95450-122-9, p. 330-332

Open Accesn Version

In this paper, we present two different ideas that may be useful for design and simulation of (superconducting) radio frequency cavities. To obtain longitudinal and transverse voltages resp. shunt impedances in cavities without rotational symmetry, one or two integration paths are often used to get an approximate difference relation for the transverse voltage of higher order modes (HOMs). The presented approach uses a multipole decomposition that is valid in vicinity of the central axis to compute voltage multipole decomposition directly for paths of arbitrary number and position. Elliptical cavities have been a standard in SRF linac technology for 30 years. We present another approach to base cell geometry based on Bezier splines that is much more flexible in terms of optimization, while reaching equal performance levels.