Abou-Ras, D.; Wagner, S.; Stanbery, B.J.; Schock, H.-W.; Scheer, R.; Stolt, L.; Siebentritt, S.; Lincot, D.; Eberspacher, C.; Kushiya, K.; Tiwari, A.N.: Innovation highway: Breakthrough milestones & key developments in chalcopyrite photovoltaics from a retrospective viewpoint. Thin Solid Films 633 (2017), p. 2-12
Open Access Version

The present contribution is a summary of an event that was organized as a special evening session in Symposium V “Chalcogenide Thin-Film Solar Cells” at the E-MRS 2016 Spring Meeting, Lille, France. The presentations in this session were given by the coauthors of this paper. These authors present retrospectives of key developments in the field of Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 solar cells as they themselves had witnessed in their laboratories or companies. Also, anecdotes are brought up, which captured interesting circumstances in that evolutionary phase of the field. Be- cause the focus was on historical perspectives rather than a comprehensive review of the field, recent develop- ments intentionally were not addressed.