• Anders, W.; Goslawski, P.; Haucke, M.; Heugel, A.; Hoberg, H. G.; Hoffmann, H.; Jankowiak, A.; Knobloch, J.; Ludwig, K.; Mielczarek, G.; Ries, M.; Ruprecht, M.; Schälicke, A.; Schriefer, B.; Stein, H.: Renewal of Bessy II Rf System - Solid State Amplifiers and Hom Damped Cavities. In: Gianluigi Arduini ... [Ed.] : IPAC2017 - Proceedings, Copenhagen, DenmarkJaCOW, 2017. - ISBN 978-3-95450-182-3, p. THPIK013/1-3

Open Accesn Version

The BESSY II storage ring is a synchrotron light source in user operation since 1999. Due to the aging of the cavities and due to the fact that the klystron tubes run out of production a renewal of the BESSY II RF system was necessary. The old hardware has been replaced by solid state amplifiers (SSA) and HOM damped normal conducting (nc) single cell cavities. The parameters of the components, the installation phase and the impact on the beam are presented.