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Institute Electrochemical Energy Storage

Colloid Chemistry

The research work in Colloid Chemistry Group mainly focuses on the design and fabrication of functional hybrid materials based on colloidal particles with versatile applications, such as energy storage materials, catalysts, optics, and gas sensors. Special efforts have been made on the preparation of functional hybrid materials for energy storage and conversion. Our research interests lie in:

  • Carbon based colloidal hybrid materials with defined porous structures for energy storage systems, such as Li-S batteries and supercapacitors.
  • Metal oxide, metal sulfide and metal nitride nanoparticles (TiOx, FeOx, CuxO, FeSx, MoSx, VN, etc.) with defined shape via colloidal chemistry method as energy storage and conversion materials or gas sensors.

• Plasmonic metal nanoparticle (Au, Ag, etc.) based hybrid materials with controlled shape via wet chemistry method for optical applications.
